Parenting: The year we start school

Choosing the right school
We got into our first choice
Earlier in the year, I wrote about our experience of visiting all the schools in our area to see which 'felt' the best for our son.  Fortunately, last month we were notified by email that we got our first choice YAY!  


Let's just stop a minute and see what that means..... my baby, will be starting school in September.  How on earth did that happen, it was only 5 minutes ago we were wearing afro bubble hair in the bath...

When did my baby grow up
When did this bubba grow up!
Having lost my mum earlier this year, I had to rethink the whole school situation, how I was going to get my son to school, pick up, after-school clubs and ..... holidays!!  I know it will somehow work out, how I don't know but for this year, we can sort the holidays.

My son has been in nursery since 6 months old.  3 full days and 2 days at Grandma's house.  This was dropped down to 1 day at Grandma's and 4 full days and finally, 5 full days at nursery.  By full days, I mean 8am until 5pm.  This makes my heartache and is the reason why we really must have a full fun packed weekend.

I miss my kid!

After some thought, I approached work and with the new flexible working laws available I asked if I could change my hours from 8.30 - 4.45..... to 7am to 3pm.

Every day.

This would enable me to at least pick my boy up at 3.15 every day and have a good couple of hours with him.  I know he'll be older, he'll be 5 and I won't get the preschool and toddler years back, but I get my boy, I get some much-needed and much-wanted mummy and son time.

Mummy and son time

So whilst I'm losing my baby and gaining a schoolboy come September, I'm also getting back time with my boy, and that, which starts in June - is priceless, I'm so pleased I have resources such as what to teach my son before he starts school, to help put my mind at ease.

growing up



  1. That is a great idea to change your hours. I think being there to pick him up each day will feel so precious. I hope he gets on well and enjoys school x

    1. Thank you for your kind words, I hope he gets on well too, they are such a worry aren't they

  2. It's great that you have been able to change your hours at work, it's so hard when you feel pulled in different directions isn't it. My little girl starts full time school in September I know she will love it but I will miss her in the afternoons.

    1. I can image you will miss her. You'll be watching the clock the first week, I know I would xx


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