Geek Mystery Boxes in June

June Mystery Boxes
I haven't written a geeky mystery box post in a while, mainly because the new Marvel Collectors Corp took a large dent in the 'geeky box fund' (due to extremely high custom charges!).   I'm pleased to report the new box - Ant-Man came with no custom charges YAY!  But, before I get into that, let us have a look at what the new Qwerkie Box Delux 'DC' box had stashed away inside it.

Now I opened this box and managed to have a good look at the contents before my son saw it, trust me, he may only be 3 but he very much enjoys an unboxing.

DC comic book - Parasite
So we have the DC comic book - Parasite
Lemonhead candy
Lemonhead candy
Rather fabulous superman vinyl
Rather fabulous superman vinyl
Festival Wristbands
My son's favourite - Festival Wristbands
Starting to get a collection of Batman POPs now :-)
Flash T-Shirt
I can't help be see Sheldon when I see a Flash T-Shirt
And finally - my favourite item in the box!!

My new favourite mug - what do you think Puddin?

As for the Marvel Collector Corp - Ant-Man box, here's our unboxing video and you'll see why I don't have photos accompanying this one - if my boy gets in there before I'm ready, it's totally mayhem time - enjoy :-)

So, DC or Marvel - which do you think was the better box?

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