Keeping the heat in with Thermal Curtains

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Keeping the heat in with Thermal Curtains
Keeping the heat in with Thermal Curtains
  When we moved into our new home back in April, it became apparent very quickly that there was a severe lack of sufficient heating in the downstairs rooms!  As the weather warmed the need to heat the rooms became less urgent but was a constant nag at the back of my head.... Well, I say this, but I'm sure my partner will tell you that it may well have surfaced to the front a few times....

So other than sourcing radiators and heaters the other option I had to keep the rooms warm was Thermal Curtains.  I didn't even know these existed until we moved into a cold house!  The way these type of curtains are designed is to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer with the added 'block out' option.
Rather a bare hallway sucking out the little bit of heat we have out the door
So other than sourcing radiators and heaters the other option I had to keep the rooms warm was Thermal Door Curtains by Yorkshire Linen.  I didn't even know these existed until we moved into a cold house!  The way these type of curtains are designed is to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer with the added 'block-out' option.
Thermal Curtains designed to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer
Thermal Curtains designed to keep you warm in the winter and cool in the summer
I have no heating in my dining room and the small radiator in the hallway is situated right next to the front door, which in the colder days got very cold to the touch.  So what I needed are curtains to keep the warmth in.  I am happy for the sun to come streaming in during the day, and in the summer months it is rather easy to cool the house so whilst these Thermal Curtains have those additional benefits, for me, it is more important they keep the warmth in.

Yorkshire Lining offers 2 designs for their thermal door curtains and the beige colours match our hallway perfectly so I was very pleased when we received the Kent natural curtains through the post.

These curtains offer a reduction in noise and draughts, block out sunlight, prevent heat loss and are eco-friendly.  They have a good width to them which cover both our window and our door and obviously, cover the door in length, but because they are thermal and have an acrylic backing they do let off an odour initially, but this soon passes.  Also due to the thickness it's taking a while for the folds to drop and the curtains to hang nicely, but slowly it's getting there.

We now have the curtain up in the hallway and it has made an immediate effect on the room.  It has blocked out some light coming through the window but it is also keep the cold out and that is a small price to pay in my opinion.
Adding a little extra warmth in the hallway
We now have the curtain up in the hallway and it has made an immediate effect on the room.  It has blocked out some light coming through the window but it is also keeping the cold out and that slight loss of light is a small price to pay in my opinion.

Also, because we have a new curtain I gave the hallway a much-needed mini makeover.  The fish got a new stand, our beloved Lightning McQueen has moved to the conservatory to make way for our lovely new rug to go with the shoes and our key rack has finally been put up.

So my hallway feels warm and cosy just in time for Autumn nights and had a mini makeover in the process - a great result all round in my option.

Lights out for the fish, time to draw the curtains and snuggle up for Autumn
Lights out for the fish, time to draw the curtains and snuggle up for Autumn
Now, time to find my slippers...........


Disclaimer: I received thermal curtains from Yorkshire Linen to review.
The above wording is all my own and not influenced by products received.


  1. what a brilliant invention! They will certainly come in handy heading into autumn and winter!

    1. Hope so Rebecca. I have the dining room ones to put up this evening :)

  2. these curtains sound a really clever idea. I'm sitting under a blanket right now as I don't want to put the heating on yet

    1. They do keep the room cosy but I have to admit, I may have had the heating on for a few hours the other day.....


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