5 Fandom Friday - Christmas Wish List

My Geeky Christmas Wish List
Female Geek Bloggers Fandom Friday Post
I haven't managed to complete a Fandom Friday for a while so here I am on a Tuesday night watching Grimm and making a conscious effort to contribute to this week's theme!   It's not too difficult for me to come up with 5 items on my Christmas Wish List and I'm forever adding various items to my Wish List on Amazon and on Pinterest.

My problem, as always, is narrowing down my list to just 5 so what I've done is picked 5 of my favourites - but to be honest, I'd be happy with just any one of these items under my Christmas tree.

Glowing Necklace
Isn't this a gorgeous necklace?  I think it looks rather mystical, and whenever I'm on Etsy I always find myself drawn back to WoodwormsNGloworms site to see what wonders have been made.  Plus, I'd feel a bit like a girly fantasy version of Ironman if I had one of these :-)
Everyone should have a heart that glows

TARDIS Vinyl Fridge
Need I say more?  I need this in my life.  Maybe not on the fridge - although that would work!  I have a cupboard in the kitchen which homes the hover and a mass of carrier bags and every time I go to it I think it needs a little sprucing up - it needs to be transformed into the TARDIS that's what it needs!
If I add a TARDIS Vinyl to my fridge will it make the inside bigger?

Wonder Woman Pants
I know I don't need WW knickers on to feel like wonder woman, nor would I wear these outside of my tights - seriously, who does that.... but I would most definitely be walking around work with a smirk on my face.  Might even do a little twirl every now and then.....
Feeling wonderful in Wonder Woman Knickers

Harley Quinn PJs
It wouldn't be Christmas without new PJs - and I can't think of a better excuse to stay in mine all day than dressed as Harley Quinn strutting around drinking Baileys and calling everyone Puddin......
Sweet Dreams Puddin

and finally.......
Don't Forget T-shirt
With my search for the best geek box subscription out there I have a fair few Tees in the drawers now, but there is always room for one more geeky one don't you think? I love this design on Fabrily and no Bender, we won't forget about you the criminal, the brain, the athlete, or the basket case or the princess.

Don't you forget about me T-Shirt
How could we ever forget the breakfast club!
Sincerely yours, The Breakfast Club


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