Visit your favourite places via Google Earth

The lovely North East Nerd has listed 19 Bizarre blog post prompts and my favourite on her list is the very first one "1. Visit your favourite places through Google Earth and share it"  I love this idea, so I've picked my top 5 favourite places that I would love to visit or return to.

Area 51

I can't help it!  I lived for the X-Files, Close Encounters, Roswell and pretty much every sci-fi film and TV programme around..... (This is a rather new revelation to me, since receiving my first Sci-FI Nerd block, I didn't realise just how much of a Sci-Fi Nerd I was!!)

Area 51

Pyramids of Giza 

This needs to go on my bucket list.  One day I will see these magnificent wonders of the old world.  So much mystery surrounds these buildings.

Pyramdis of Giza

Lombard Street 

We only spent a couple of days in San Francisco and I'd love to go back and drive down Lombard Street one more time.

Lombard Street

The Northern Lights 

Another one for the bucket list. Maybe in a few years time when Max is a bit older, I will make it a mission of mine to visit the Northern Lights

Northern Lights

Sydney Opera House 

I love this building and can only image that it looks magnificent up close, another one for my bucket list... I really need to write a bucket list!

Sydney Opera House on Google Earth

My images are screen shots from Google Earth, with a link to each on the image itself. So those are my favourites, and now I just want to visit them even more! What places would you Google Earth?

Finally, as a bonus image, this is what I love about Google Earth - Is this the lost city of Atlantis?

Lost city of Atlantis on Google Earth


  1. that is such a cool way to see the world! My kids love looking up where we live on google earth and then finding their way to random places around the world. I love the idea of looking at specific locations. x

    1. Such fun isn't it! I spent hours on this the other night, ohh must go see what Disney land looks like from Google earth......


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