When I made my potting unit out of pallets last month, we cut the pallets to fit the area. As my unit was 7 pallets high, we had a large pile of cut-offs.
I have plans for the complete pallets you see above but as you can see, I've got a lot of cut-off pieces too.
When I put one of these pieces on its side, I thought it made a rather nice bookshelf.... until I picked it up! These units are heavy and I wouldn't advise hanging them on the wall. I decided these would be perfect for the floor - and therefore shoe racks.
All that is needed is for this unit to be sanded and have a base. The wood for the flooring was easy to source.
With the right tools, cutting the two slates for the flooring isn't an issue either, but what did cause the air to turn a little blue was the fitting! I have to admit - I gave up and handed this over to my partner who is far more patient and skilled at this than I am.
We used wood screws to fit the pallet flooring, which worked perfectly. I've left my unit as it is as I want this in my porch for the muddy trainers, but varnished or stained would also make a beautiful piece inside.
So what do you think? It could be used for books, gardening equipment, shoes - what would you use it for?
