I totally get that this can be a scary time for those with anxiety, mental illness and social anxiety.
We are being asked to go out and put a mask on in a shop, which on the surface doesn't seem like a big deal, but to many it really is!
Some will have an illness that prevents them from wearing a mask and will have the added anxiety and fear of being accosted in the shop, turned away or abused by others for not wearing a mask! I feel we should have wristbands for those who can't wear a mask or a ribbon around the wrist to symbolize that you can't wear a mask and to be left to go about your day.
Isn't it bad that we've come to that in this day and age?
But what I've been thinking about recently is how we've isolated the deaf.
I'm very keen to make clear masks but I have no idea what would be the best plastic/clear lining to use around the mouth area. I watched a video of a woman cutting the plastic off, what looked like, the bacon packet!! I like the idea of recycling, but I'm not sure plastic that has covered meat is the answer.
The National Deaf Children's Society has posted an article on face masks for the deaf and added videos on how to make them, so I think I'll be spending my weekend watching these and trying to source the correct materials and just try to help out those whose anxiety must already be sky-high.
Everyone is handling this "new world" in their own way and just because you can't see their illness, doesn't make it any less real! You be you, together we'll get through this, I'm here if you need me.
Stay Safe.

Your mask looks fab! I totally get that some people struggle with masks (as you know I have kids with ASD and SPD) but it is so important right now for preventing spread isn't it. I don't know what the answer is about deaf people. My husband saw something by a deaf person explaining that masks weren't an issue but that may have been just that person was ok rather than all. There may be other ways around it too - using written/typed communication maybe? Will be good to see what you find out. Xxx