Bond of Eternity Book Review

Bond of Eternity is book 2 in Roxan Burley's Equal Rise Series.  A fantasy, dystopian novel set in today's world.

Equal Rise Series books by Roxan Burley

The series is from the fantasy genre but set in our universe - the UK to be specific - that sees mythical creatures such as elves, trolls, dwarves and gargoyles, yes, I'm seeing gargoyes in a whole new light now, living in a world with mortals - us humans, and how a divide has formed since the war and now some higher ranked "myths" have had enough!

Oran - from Bloodstream of Moonlight by Roxan Burley

The book is written in 3 POVs - the three main characters in the book.  I love Eira and Cole's relationship and how down-to-earth and "human" Cole is.

It is worth noting that this is not a love triangle, and all three are interlinked through their bonds but only one is a soul bond, the other bond is revealed early on and is slightly less conventional than what we are used to reading in the fantasy genre.

There is limited world-building, and for me, it's the right amount to know what is going on and getting back to the action - of which there is plenty.

There is a "what the heck" moment near the end of the book and a total heartache which I didn't see coming and has left me needing book three!

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed both books, the first is more action-packed and Bond of Eternity has the element of backstory, learning more about all the characters and a small shock factor.  It's different, it's exciting and it's a new fantasy series I can get on board with.

For those who enjoy fantasy and romantasy, I feel you will also enjoy the Equal Rise series.  There is no spice so ideal for young adults too.

It has all the elements to make a great fantasy series from a new author.  We have love and humour, a strong female lead, strong handsome men, good vs evil and a new type of bat boy!  You will fall in love with all the characters!  

There are shock factors, traitors and unanswered questions! It appears to be Roxan's style to leave us hanging and now I'm here waiting for a book 3 as I NEED ANSWERS!!


  • New Type of Fantasy
  • First 2 books published
  • Fast Paced
  • Good vs Evil


  • Need to wait for book 3!

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